@article{oai:lib.sugiyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003587, author = {青木, 一起}, issue = {1}, journal = {椙山女学園大学教育学部紀要, Journal of the School of Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {In recent years, unconscious bias has been attracting attention when considering the promotion of diversity. In order to address unconscious bias, which is said to unconsciously instill stereotyped values even in schools and other settings, and to enable children to think about their own life careers without being bound by stereotyped gender, age, role divisions, etc., we examined the current state of bias in schools and its impact on education and career We discussed the current state of bias in schools and its impact on education and career development. We examined the current state of bias in school settings and its impact on education and career development. As a result, we considered that in order to reduce the influence of bias, the first step in solving the problem would be for children themselves to become aware of bias and acquire the correct knowledge. We then utilized the questionnaire “Implicit Association Test” (IAT) and lessons on bias to reveal that becoming aware of one’s own biases can facilitate relationships and help one develop a positive attitude toward future career development.}, pages = {137--142}, title = {生涯を通じたキャリア形成の視点に立ったアンコンシャス・バイアスへの気付き}, volume = {16}, year = {2023}, yomi = {アオキ, カズキ} }