@article{oai:lib.sugiyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003435, author = {大見, サキエ and 森口, 清美 and 畑中, めぐみ and 高木, 歩実 and 河合, 洋子 and 宮城島, 恭子 and 安田, 和夫 and 平賀, 健太郎 and 高橋, 由美子 and 堀部, 敬三}, journal = {椙山女学園大学看護学研究, Nursing research of Sugiyama Jogakuen University}, month = {Mar}, note = {要 旨  本研究の目的は,がんの子どもを主人公とした絵本が道徳教育に活用できるかについて検討することである.方法は,小学₅年生の道徳科目で絵本を活用して授業を行った.授業のねらいは,相手の立場にたって思いやり等の態度を育てるであった.分析は,授業後に児童が書いた感想文59部を質的帰納的に行った.その結果,児童は主人公の立場として,入院や病気になった時の驚き・寂しさ・悲しさ・不安,早く退院したい気持ち,復学に関する様々な不安,復学時にクラスメートが受け入れてくれて嬉しい気持ち等を捉えていた.これらから,児童は主人公の気持ちを想像できていることがわかった.また,復学時は主人公の闘病姿勢に敬意を持つとともに,クラスでは思いやりをもって主人公を見守り,支えたいという気持ちになっていた. さらに生命の大切さ,将来の自分の生き方についても学んでいた.  この結果から,この授業は道徳のねらいに沿ったものであり,そして,絵本は道徳の教材として活用できることが示唆された., Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine whether picture books with cancer children as the main characters can be used for moral education. As for the method, the lesson was conducted using a picture book in the moral subject of the fifth grade of elementary school. The aim of the class was to foster an attitude of compassion from the standpoint of the other party. The analysis was conducted qualitatively and inductively with 59 copies of the impressions written by the children after class. As a result, as the main character, the child is surprised, lonely, sad, anxious when he is hospitalized and/or ill, wants to leave the hospital early, various anxieties about returning to school, and happy that his classmates accept him when he returns to school. And so on. From these, it was found that the child could imagine the feelings of the hero. Also, when he returned to school, he had respect for the hero's fighting illness, and in the class he wanted to watch over and support the hero with compassion. He also learned about the importance of life and how to live in the future. From this result, this lesson is in line with the aim of the moral subject. It was suggested that picture books could be used as moral teaching materials.}, pages = {15--26}, title = {がんの子どもを主人公とした絵本の道徳教育への 活用可能性の検討}, volume = {14}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オオミ, サキエ and モリグチ, キヨミ and ハタナカ, メグミ and タカギ, アユミ and カワイ, ヨウコ and ミヤギシマ, キョウコ and ヤスダ, カズオ and ヒラガ, ケンタロウ and タカハシ, ユミコ and ホリベ, ケイゾウ} }