@article{oai:lib.sugiyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003398, author = {谷口, 俊治 and 黄, 慧瑶}, journal = {椙山女学園大学文化情報学部紀要, Journal of the School of Culture-Information studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {Touching behavior is one of the indispensable means of nonverbal communication for humans. The purpose of this study was to confirm the actual state of cultural differences in touching behavior between Japanese and Chinese students, and to clarify the relationship with psychological characteristics related to touching behavior. We conducted a questionnaire survey of Japanese and Chinese students regarding touching behavior with mothers, fathers, same-sex friends, and heterosexual friends, and obtained data for a total of 527 students. Overall, there were more touching behaviors with same-sex friends and mothers than with fathers and heterosexual friends, and Japanese had less frequent touching behaviors than Chinese had in all touching subjects. In addition, females had more touching behaviors than males had with mothers and same-sex friends. The influence of sexual factors and cultural factors related to family relationships was speculated as the cause of these results. Regarding psychological characteristics, Japanese was more mutually cooperative than Chinese, and Chinese was more mutually independent than Japanese. In addition, Japanese had less feeling of understanding-empathy possibility with regard to loneliness than Chinese, and Chinese had higher autonomous assistance from parents than Japanese. The involvement of feeling of understanding-empathy possibility and mutual independence-cooperation were shown as factors that determine touching behavior. Consequently, it was speculated that the touching behavior was defined, being accompanied by feeling of understanding-empathy possibility, by the cultural and sexual factors related to family relationships and the independence of the ego.}, pages = {51--64}, title = {日本人と中国人の身体接触行動の 比較および背景要因の検討}, volume = {21}, year = {2022}, yomi = {タニグチ, シュンジ and コ, ケイヨウ} }